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Prof. William Toel: Dramatisch perfekte "Stürme" die Deutschland verändern!

Archivmeldung vom 21.05.2021

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Meldung den Stand der Dinge zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Veröffentlichung am 21.05.2021 wiedergibt. Eventuelle in der Zwischenzeit veränderte Sachverhalte bleiben daher unberücksichtigt.

Freigeschaltet durch Sanjo Babić
Prof. William Toel (2021)
Prof. William Toel (2021)

Bild: Screenshot Internetseite: "https://de.williamtoel.de/mediathek" / Eigenes Werk

Als ehemaliger Kandidat für den US-Senat hat William Toel hunderte von Führungspersönlichkeiten in allen Bereichen der deutschen Gesellschaft interviewt und hat eine einzigartige Verbindung zum Militär, internationalem Business und Bankwesen. William Toels Botschaft zur derzeitigen Situation in Deutschland, Hintergründe sowie Zukunftseinblicke Deutschlands aus der augenblicklichen Perspektive.

Das Interview ist in Englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung.


William Toel has a unique union of military, international business, banking and academic experience in consistently outstanding organizations. He is recognized as a man of mature international perspective. In 2000 he was runner-up for the United States Senate in Arizona. Of his academic experience, he has been invited to teach at the University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana), the University of Virginia, the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird), Arizona State University and Bradley University. He has also given lectures at universities throughout Germany. He has won excellent and outstanding teaching honors, to include the Chair’s Award for Teaching Excellence in fall 2011. His courses are in the international fields of business, marketing, economics and finance. He has taught in undergraduate and MBA programs, as well as the Honors Programs at the University of Illinois and Bradley. (Mr. Toel holds an MBA from the University of Illinois.)

Mr. Toel has held president and chief executive officer appointments and served as a board member at various banking organizations. In the international business realm, he served nearly 10 years with a major and highly respected firm with operations in 45 countries, CPC International. He also served as the youngest president of what was then the nation’s second largest cash-grain exchange, the Peoria Board of Trade, successfully leading a diverse council represented by major international firms. He has assisted numerous corporations as a consultant. In the military, William Toel was one of the youngest captain and company commanders serving in the Army in the Far East during the Vietnam conflict. Mr. Toel has conducted surveying and extensive interviews as part of his research into the German social, economic and political model: He is listed as an expert in this area. He was invited to attend the Harvard conference on the “Angst of German Leadership” in February, 2012 (see post-conference article) and was a guest lecturer in 2014 at Freie University in Berlin, Germany. He has given numerous interviews to include television commentary with CBS and the Axel Springer organization in Berlin. Mr. Toel is acknowledged for his penetrating insight into the German mentality.

Quelle: av mediapool

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